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Does Shungite Really Work?


Whether you’re someone who believes in the healing powers of crystals, or just think they’re beautiful to look at – shungite is a stone you may have heard of. What we’re here to help answer is the question of, “Does shungite really work?” And, “Does it work to protect against EMF radiation?”

What Is Shungite?

It is an eye-catching black rock mineral that is estimated to have been around for a couple of billions of years. Discovered in the 1800s in the Shunga village in the Karelia region of Russia, its composition is over 98 percent carbon.

It’s actually quite fascinating. According to Healthline, not only does it contain all the periodic table minerals, and

The origin of shungite is a mystery. Typically, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests. But the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.

There are theories of how it possibly came into existence without organic life. These include the theory of microorganisms in neighboring water, a meteorite, or sedimentary rocks have altered composition over the ages.

What Are Shungite Benefits?

Before we dive into the possibility of EMF radiation blocking properties, let’s look at all the benefits of shungite.

Water Purification

One of the major benefits of shungite is how it purifies water. There have been multiple studies that show how it filters radioactive compounds and removes organic substances and contaminants from water.


Eradicates Viruses and Bacteria

Shungite has fullerenes in it. These are a kind of carbon antioxidant properties. And while the research for human use isn’t conclusive yet, these work to destroy pathogens meant to harm us. Studies are being conducted as you read this.

Decreases Inflammation

While this is ongoing research, one interesting finding is that shungite may decrease inflammation. When used, scientists found that there were fewer inflammatory markings like cytokines.

What About Shielding Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Emissions?

Therein lies a supposed major benefit of shungite. The research for this was only conducted on rats, and was performed in 2003. Yet, shungite used in this research did protect the rats from EMF emissions.

The Verdict

There are no clear answers on shungite and EMF protection. Yet, there is evidence it has worked in the past, albeit on animals. The best thing is that EMF protection is an added bonus if it works for humans. Shungite has so many benefits that having them in your home may help in others ways, with EMF shielding as a bonus.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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