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What To Know About Wireless Radiation

What To Know About Wireless Radiation


The more we move into the future, the more our favorite gadgets become wireless. But how safe is wireless? Does it pose a wireless radiation issue? Here’s more about what to know about wireless radiation.

What is Wireless Radiation?

If you want to know what wireless radiation is, think of a microwave. The frequencies produced by wireless technology are carried to their destinations without using a wire. Pretty simple, but here’s the thing. Thinking back on that microwave oven. The frequencies mentioned above oscillate fast, and are known as microwave radiation. How is this like the microwave oven? Just like your microwave cooks food, The thermal heating in wireless excites the molecules, destabilizes electrons, and creates heat.

What About Non-Thermal Heating?

Some levels are deemed safe for us since they are non-thermal. But researchers have proven that this simply is not true. They found that there is DNA damage even when there is non-thermal heating used. Obviously, thermal heating is more serious, but neither are what is considered safe by these scientists. And this level of DNA damage causes all kinds of health issues, like cancer and birth defects.

What Technologies Use Wireless Radiation?

You might be surprised at all of the items in your possession that use wireless radiation. Here is just a small list of some of the everyday things that do this.

  • Baby intercoms
  • Cell phone towers and antennas
  • Electric blankets
  • Bluetooth technology
  • WiFi
  • Home security systems
  • Smart meters
  • GPS tracking systems
  • Microwave ovens
  • Cordless phones
  • Broadcast towers from television or radio
  • Satellite dishes
  • Military radar
  • Airport radar

As you can see, some of the most normal things cause wireless radiation, and you may not even have realized it.

There Is More Coming

Wireless technology is advancing, and there’s no end in sight.

According to Dr. George Carlo, a distinguished EMR Independent Researcher, said the amount of background wireless radiation has increased 500,000 times in the last 5 years and more than a trillion times in the last few decades due to the increase in wireless technology.

This is more than our world has ever seen.

What Can You Do?

One answer is to use less wireless technology. Of course, this isn’t always feasible. You might consider using Faraday cages, certain stones known to help deflect radiation, or even wear a personal EMF radiation item. You can find most places online that specialize in that.


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