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A Guide To Air Tube Headsets

Air Tube Headsets


Most people own a cellphone now. Even if they have a cordless phone, they’re tethered to their smartphone. If you know anything about EMF radiation, then you’re aware that cellphones are a major culprit. Yet, you can keep your cellphone and be safer with air tube headsets. We’ll take a look at what these are, how they work, and where to find them.

Headphones and EMF Radiation

While the photo may be drastic, it’s important to know that both wired and wireless headsets emit EMF radiation. The difference is that wireless ones emit more than wired ones. This is because the wireless headphones are connected to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

How Do Air Tube Headsets Work?

It work like traditional wired headsets. The difference is a that a hollow tube replaces a section of wire. This tube minimizes exposure to radiation while still allowing you to enjoy talking on the phone or listening to music. These headsets keep the phone away from your head – whether you typically use a wireless headset or a wired one.

They work just like wired headsets where they provide the functionality you’re used to and use the same port.

Pros and Cons of Air Tube Headsets

The advantages of headsets are that they help minimize your exposure to EMF radiation – and that’s a major pro. Yet, there are a couple of disadvantages.

One of the negatives is that the sound quality is good, it may not be as good as what you’re used to with your traditional ear buds or headset. You may not notice a huge difference, but some quality may be lost with the sound waves traveling to your ears.

Another disadvantage is that air tube headsets are not often as durable as traditional ones. But like with any piece of technology you own, take extra of it, and it will last you longer. And many brands do come with a protective case.

The Verdict and Where To Find Air Tube Headsets

The verdict is clear. If you want to protect yourself from EMF radiation, air tube headsets are an ideal way to start. They keep you safer from EMF radiation and some protect you from Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electrical signals, too.

You can find air tube headsets at many online stores, including Amazon.

You don’t have to sacrifice much sound quality to enjoy safety from EMF radiation and some didn’t experience any sound quality issues at all. Yet the protection is worth it.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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