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About Electrical Sensitivity

About Electrical Sensitivity

The first time I had heard about electrical sensitivity was by watching Better Call Saul. In it, Saul’s brother had a problem with electrical items and made his home into a fortress to mitigate the problem. If you haven’t heard about EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity), here is all about electrical sensitivity.

What is Electrical Sensitivity?

It is estimated that there are between three and five percent of the population who suffers with this condition. Those however are just the ones affected severely, much like Saul’s brother. An astounding 30 to 50 percent are affected moderately.

According to Safe Living Technologies,

Often classified as an “Environmental Illness” with EMFs considered an environmental toxin, this potentially debilitating condition typically manifests in a range of neurological, immunological, and endocrinological symptoms when a person is exposed to radiofrequency radiation, magnetic fields, electrical fields, and harmonic distortion (i.e. “dirty electricity”). Symptoms tend to vary with dose, duration, and intensity of EMF exposure, often remitting when the person is removed from the EMF source, but returning once the EMF source is re-introduced into the person’s environment..

And it may surprise you that scientists are on this. There are research studies showing some of the biological effects to those people – and even those who aren’t sensitive. These effects include breaks in the blood brain barrier, oxidative stress, and DNA damage.

What Can You Do?

As with any type of electromagnetic field radiation (EMR) or electrical sensitivity, limiting exposure is key. You may not have to go to the extremes depicted in Better Call Saul, but there are ways to minimize some of the exposure.

Try to take breaks from using the computer for extended periods of time. Proximity is important too. You may not be able to get away from your computer while you’re using it, but you can keep it away from you at night, or at the very least, shut it down.

For Wi-Fi, the same rules apply. The difference is that you can shield the router with a Faraday cage, which helps with minimizing EMF exposure and perhaps even electrical sensitivity.

About Electrical Sensitivity

There are many symptoms of EMS, and you could be sensitive without even knowing that’s the reason. From insomnia and dry eyes to fatigue and eye irritation, these are just a few. Try to stay away from as many electrical items as possible. And if you can’t do without your microwave or television, unplug them when not in use.

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