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Airplane EMF Radiation and Its Risks

Airplane EMF Radiation And Its Risks

We might not think of EMF radiation while flying. In fact, you’re probably thinking of things like how long it will take, what will you do at your destination, or even getting some rest on a long flight. But sadly there is quite a bit of risk when taking a plane. Here is more on airplane EMF radiation and its risks and what you can do to protect yourself.

Airplanes and EMF Radiation

An article from the National Library of Medicine (NIH) talks about two airmen exposed to EMF radiation in flight. It was stated that more research is needed to understand the behavioral effects this had. 

According to one source

Not only is EMF radiation emitted from all the electronics on board but flying also exposes us to higher levels of cosmic radiation than while on the ground. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even classifies airline crew members as radiation workers.

So, it is pretty serious especially if you never gave a thought to flying and its EMF radiation risks.

Some sources claimed that women who work in airlines as stewardesses have a 50 percent more chance of getting breast cancer than those who don’t. Flying from the west coast to the east coast exposes you to high-level EMF radiation as per chest x-ray reports. Another study showed that pilots had children with Down’s Syndrome in high numbers. Now imagine that if you fly pretty often then for sure you’re getting a lot of EMF exposure

How Do You Protect Yourself? 

You can’t always drive to your destination. It’s not always time-effective. There are places you have to fly to that are unreachable by car. If you do have to fly though, one thing you can do to try to protect yourself is to use a personal EMF protection device.

Some of these come in the form of necklaces or stones you can carry with you that deflects some of the EMF radiation. They’re usually made from shungite or other protection minerals. It may not be as much as you need, but it’s better than traveling without some kind of protection.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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