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Are Electric Blankets Safe?

Electric Blanket Safe


As the weather turns colder, people want to stay nice and warm. Electric blankets help, but are they safe? Learn more about electric blankets and if they emit EMF radiation.

Electric Blankets and Safety

Electric blankets have been around since the early 1900s. Although the first one was a rudimentary version of what we have today, they have kept people warm for decades. In 1936, the first automatic, electric blanket was invented.

Most people want to know if they’re safe when it comes to shorting out or causing a fire. The good news is that as far as those problems, a newer, well-maintained electric blanket is relatively safe from catching fire or burning their user. Yet, there is another area where electric blankets pose risks. That is with the EMF radiation they emit.

Electric Blankets actually pose a higher risk of EMF radiation than other electrical devices because they are used so close to the body. And, these blankets have a heating element which maximizes the risk more so than some other electronics.

EMF radiation comprises three components:

  1. Electric fields
  2. Radio frequencies
  3. Magnetic fields

The problem with electric blankets is the magnetic field component.

EMF Radiation

Of course, this type of blanket doesn’t emit a huge amount of EMF radiation, but there is still a concern due to a few crucial aspects:

  • Time of exposure
  • Intensity of the radiation
  • Proximity to the body

Intensity isn’t the big issue since it does not have a major intensity to it. Yet, the other two issues apply. Many people sleep with an electric blanket, so the time of exposure is not limited. And as far as proximity to the body – that’s a given. Most people snuggle up and let the electric blanket warm them up all over.

Plus, while using this blanket on your arms and legs isn’t as concerning, those who wrap themselves up and use it near their torso, as anyone would with a blanket, have a higher risk.

Some studies have even notated the correlation of electric blankets and breast cancer. According to Electric Blanket Use and Breast Cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study at the American Journal of Epidemiology:

Electric blanket use represents a substantial source of close, whole-body exposure to EMFs. The contribution of an electric blanket turned on throughout the night to a user’s total exposure to EMFs has been estimated to be from two to four times those of ambient background residential levels.

Plus, since many sleep with these blankets, it is even more concerning at night since that is when your body is repairing itself.

Alternatives to Electric Blankets

The best case scenario is to avoid using electric blankets at all. Turn up the heat a few degrees, if possible. Down comforters and down alternative comforters are incredibly warm and comfortable. And many can be washed right in your washer contrary to what some say. Use normal blankets or quilts. Electricity is not needed to stay warm.

However, if you simply must use an electric blanket, choose one that has low EMF electric output. You can find these at major retailers such as Amazon.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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