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Are Induction Cooktops Safe?

Induction Cooktops


Just like any other electrical item, induction cooktops emit EMF radiation. But the important question to answer is are induction cooktops safe? Should you be concerned about how much radiation is emitted?

How Do They Work?

According to The Rational Kitchen

Induction burners are essentially electromagnets–that is, they’re copper coils that, when electrical current is passed through them, become magnetic. When you place a ferrous (i.e., magnetic) pan on the burner, the pan becomes sort of an extension of the electromagnet. Magnetic steel has a very high heat loss factor at the frequency of the current being passed through it–in the case of induction, around 24 kHz.

This “heat loss” is how the pan gets hot, and the reason why only ferrous metals will work with induction burners. Or, in the past. There are newer models that work with other types of cookware, though the technology is in its infancy. This loss also happens very, very quickly, which is why induction cooking is so fast and so efficient.

Are They Safe?

The problem is that there has been little research done on the amount of EMF radiation from induction cooktops. That’s because these are newer types of technology. But, the main takeaway is that they are thought to be no more harmful than any other type of appliance in your home. But that depends on who you ask.

One thing of note is that these types of cooktops emit non-ionizing radiation. Basically, experts state that they are no more harmful than a microwave oven, which emits below thermal heating levels.

Now, if you are sensitive to EMF radiation of any kind, then you can add these to your list of appliances that affect your life. But choosing not to use one based on EMF radiation alone…well, it’s not going to be that much of an issue according to some.

Others state that they do emit higher levels of EMF radiation. For example

Studies have shown that most modern induction cooktops emit levels of EMF radiation that exceed the maximum exposure limits set by the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) back in 1998.

How Do You Choose?

If you’re reading this then you already have a curiosity about EMF radiation or know some of the basics. If you’re worried, then an induction cooktop may not be for you. Again, some state that they’re safe, while others believe they are worse than other cooking methods. To be honest, the technology is too new to make a confirmed decision.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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