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Best Place for a WiFi Router

WiFi Router Placement

If you’re reading this, you probably are aware of how important it is to protect yourself from EMF exposure whenever possible. Since a router has health risks related to electromagnetic fields, it is important to know the best placement for a WiFi router to protect from EMF exposure.

What Are the Risks?

First, it is crucial to know that a WiFi router placed within 16 feet from you has the same radiation levels as a cell phone tower almost 500 feet away. Sounds unreal, doesn’t it?

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) can create symptoms like concentration loss, dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Especially those sensitive to EMFs. Even more alarming is the possibility of long-term effects, according to some experts.

Long-term effects may include

  • Sleep disorders
  • Breast cancer
  • Oxidative stress
  • Brain health and development issues
  • Male fertility issues
  • Brain cancer
  • Female reproductive problems
  • Childhood development issues

What is the Best Placement for a WiFi Router to Protect from EMF Exposure?

Since there are not enough studies on this problem yet, it’s hard to give a solid answer. Yet, some experts agree that a 10-foot minimum, and up to 40 feet, is ideal.

One important thing to keep in mind is that the radiation from a WiFi router doesn’t need to be in the same room; it passes through walls. So even if your WiFi router isn’t in your bedroom, but it’s closer than 10 feet, you still run the risk of EMF exposure.

Also, range extenders and boosters fall under the same category. They too emit electromagnetic fields.

One tip you can follow is to turn the WiFi off when you’re not using it. It may be easier to use a surge protector where you can just switch the button off and on easily. Another idea is to use an electric timer that shuts off the WiFi at a given time. The takeaway is that there is no reason your WiFi has to remain on while you’re sleeping or it’s not in use.

Other Choices

You may also get a Faraday cage or something similar to place over the router. These cages allow you to use the router easily, while blocking up to 90 percent of the EMF exposure. Now these are claims made by the manufacturer of the cages, so your mileage may vary.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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