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Circuit Breaker EMF

Circuit Breaker EMF

One of the places you might not think of when considering EMF radiation risks is your circuit breaker. Does it cause electromagnetic field radiation? And if so, what can you do about it? Here’s some helpful information for you to mitigate your risks from EMFs – starting with your circuit breaker.

Why a Circuit Breaker is a Risk

Look at it this way – where does all the electricity coming into your house come through? It’s your circuit breaker. That means not only is it a risk, but it’s a hotbed from electromagnetic field radiation.

Location Matters

If your circuit breaker is in a remote location, that’s a good start. Some homes have theirs in the basement or garage, and that’s helpful. But no matter where your circuit breaker is located (and you should always know the location) there are things you can do to minimize the risk.

For example, some homes have a circuit breaker box in the bedroom. Sleeping near this electromagnetic field radiation is not safe. And while you can’t move the breaker box in your home, there are things you can do to help. Try to ensure beds are not close to the box and that sharing a wall is not a factor. In simple terms, don’t place a bed right next to a wall that has a circuit breaker box on the other side. And never place a crib in the vicinity of a breaker box.

How to Minimize Circuit Breaker EMF Risks

You want to clear the box. What this means is adding something like a shungite tile to the box. Many places make this item specifically for clearing things like circuit breaker boxes. These shungite pieces emit a strong clearing field. You might even opt for more than one. In fact, these are used in Russian spas to clear and harmonize the area. EMF radiation detector can help safeguard your environment.

EMF Radiation is Everywhere

EMF radiation comes from a lot of places, and you want to be sure you clear it as much as possible. When it comes to circuit breaker boxes, it is especially important to consider location, as well as using clearing methods to try to lessen some of the effects from EMF radiation. You may not be able to clear everything, but by keeping location and clearing in mind, you can definitely do your best to minimize it.

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