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EMF Myths and the Real Truth

EMF Myths

There are so many myths and mistruths surrounding electromagnetic radiation (EMF). Let us talk about the EMF myths and the real truth. Some things are left up to more research, but here are some basic ones.

5G Is No More Dangerous Than 4G

Studies have been done showing that the levels are much higher around 5G base stations than those of others. One study showed that before when a family had a 4G base station that was switched to a 5G station, the radiation levels increased exponentially. From 9,000 microW/m2 to around 1,690,000,

The other issue is that there are many more 5G base stations because this technology needs more antennas.

Bluetooth Earbuds Are Too Small To Cause Harmful Effects

Actually, this is not true. Because AirPods don’t have a cord that connects the two earbuds to each other, they have to send a signal to each other to stay synced. This signal goes directly through your head. The placement of AirPods and the length of contact—often long periods of time (sometimes all day)—increases EMF radiation to the head. Even at a low power level, the radiation goes through very important tissue and cells.

EMF Shielding Is a Rip-Off

Actually, there are many sellers of EMF shielding that have scientific testing behind them. It’s up to you to do your research and find a company that has this research. Some can even block up to 99.9 percent of radio frequency radiation. And as far as extremely low frequency radiation, the numbers are still high at 98.5 percent effectiveness.

If Cell Phones Were Dangerous, They’d Be Off the Market

This is simply not true. Look at the sale of cigarettes as an example. These are still on the market even though we know it causes cancer. While there are more safety measures in place, such as information, they’re still sold.

Technology plays a huge role in politics and the economy, and cell phones are a major player.

There Are More Myths Than Truth

There are so many myths out there, you have to do your own research. Just because something is said to be safe doesn’t make it so. Even with inconclusive 5G research, do you really want to risk it just because the technology is new, which is why there aren’t as many in-depth research papers into its effects?


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