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EMF Protection Devices

EMF Protection Devices


It can be overwhelming when trying to choose the right EMF protection devices among so many choices. There are so many devices out there that it’s hard to know which one to pick or if you need several things at once. While distance is your best bet, here are a few items and what they do to provide EMF protection.

Faraday Bags

These are equipped to shield against a variety of things such as Cellular, RFID, WIFI, Bluetooth, NFC, and GPS. This is why they’re a smart choice for law enforcement and often used to transport important information that cannot be breached by others.

EMF Radiation Protection Phone Stickers

The manufacturer’s claims on these are that these anti-radiation stickers for your phone are designed to absorb, transfer, and eliminate threatening EMF waves and electronic pollution up to 97.7 percent.

While we don’t know if that is true or not, they are made out of Shungite, which is a key component in blocking EMF radiation. You can read more about Shungite below.


This is a rare stone that is lovely to look at and supposedly protects against EMF radiation due to its carbon makeup. According to Healthline:

Many people refer to an old 2003 study Trusted Source, where shungite reportedly protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation.

Even if it doesn’t protect as much as we think, shungite has a wealth of other benefits that make it an overall excellent thing to have nearby.

Anti-Radiation Headsets

Anti-radiation headsets have hollow tubes. These neutralizer earbuds use air to conduct sound, protecting you from radiation. Other traditional headsets actually are a conductor of microwave and RF radiation.

EMF Protective Clothing

This type of protective clothing claims to block and neutralize EMF radiation from things like your cellphone, computers, and WiFi. They work to reflect and redirect electromagnetic frequencies away from your body.

In a room, the matrix will redirect the EMF radiation out of the room or simply break up the EMF waves, rendering them harmless.

Do These EMF Protection Devices Work?

Only you will know for sure if these EMF protection devices work. But the science showcases how these materials do work to keep EMF radiation away. Try some out with your EMF radiation meter and see the difference for yourself.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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