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How EMF Crystals Give Extra Protection

EMF Crystals

What Are EMF Protection Crystals?

EMF Protection Crystals have been used for centuries for a variety of purposes. Some use them to feel calm, to heal, and some love how beautiful they are. And for some people, they help create a barrier with EMF radiation.

How Do They Work?

According to Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, there is a simple reason for that:

Well, for the simple reason that they easily slide into resonance with electronics & microwave radiation. That property is why silicon (what silicates & quartz [silicon dioxide] are made of) is so widely used in technology! It’s an excellent semi-conductor of energy.

Having them in your home helps in so many ways, even ways other than with EMF radiation.

What Kinds Work Best?

There are many that seem to work well according to resources. Here are a few and why they are the ones you should choose.

Magnetite or Lodestone

Both stones are naturally occurring ferromagnetic stones. The only difference is that one is magnetized (lodestone) and the other (magnetite) is not.

Black Tourmaline

This one happens to be a silicate. But it comes with something extra – iron. Not only does it transmit energy, but it has elements of pyroelectric properties and piezoelectric properties.


Another stone with plenty of iron is the hematite. This one provides balance and grounding. And the great thing is that it is fairly common. You may even find one around a stream or mixed with dirt.


Amethyst is both lovely to look at and makes the list of EMF radiation protection. Since it is a quartz type of stone, it has the iron and is often used for healing purposes. It is also fairly inexpensive since it is a common stone to find.


Another commonly found stone is selenite. Since users choose it for protection and purification, it is one that is often chosen for EMF protection.


This stone is one often used for energy that is protective and nurturing. Some say that their electromagnetic hypersensitivity decreased when using them.

Kernite and Colemanite

Both of these types of crystals are based in boron. This means that they work well to accept and ionize radiation. Using them together works well to decrease your EMF radiation exposure.

How Do You Use Them?

To use these crystals and others, there are many things you can do. Placing them in your home and near electronics is helpful. However, you do want to be careful with crystals that have powerful magnetic properties close to your laptops and external hard drives as they can have an effect on your data records.

You can also use any of these stones as jewelry, so they are right near your body.

Some even use crystals in baths by simply dropping them into your bathwater or foot wash. If possible, add a couple of tablespoons of ionic Magnesium Concentrated trace minerals and baking soda. Soak a few, but don’t dry off just yet. The minerals need to soak into the skin in order for them to be most effective.


Nothing you read here should be used as medical advice and any takeaway should be fully understood and researched first. With that said, crystals aren’t just pretty rocks to display, although you can do that. They may even protect you some from EMF radiation.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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