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How to Block EMF

How To Block EMF

If you’re here, you probably have an idea of the health risks of EMF. Even if you’re not sure and simply want more information, this is the place to be. Here are some tips on how to block EMF radiation. They may not block all of the EMF radiation, but it will lessen it some.

Your Cell Phone

If possible, switch to airplane mode often, especially if you carry your cell phone close to your body like in a pocket. Another way to help is to use the speakerphone when you’re alone. It takes away some of the proximity damage. And try to use wired headphones when listening to music, or out loud if you’re alone and can do so. And if possible, don’t charge your cell phone where you sleep.

An FYI: using a stylus pen is best. Believe it or not, touching your cell phone exposes you to a higher amount of radiation than is deemed safe according to the FCC and their regulations.

Computer Items

It may seem like a pain, but shut off your WiFi when you’re not using it, like when you’re sleeping. Don’t work with your laptop on your lap, even though this is how it’s intended to be used. Again, proximity is an issue. Use your laptop on a table. Just an FYI, laptop manuals state not to use them in your lap – go figure.

Other Electronics

Unplug electronics and microwave ovens when not in use. Again, this seems like a pain but honestly, it doesn’t take that long to plug something back in if it’s easily reachable. Plus, this helps your equipment in case of a lightning strike.

Don’t use corded alarm clocks. Try one with batteries for reducing EMF radiation exposure while you sleep.

Electric blankets are another culprit of EMF radiation. Don’t use one if you don’t have to. If you do want to use one no matter what, simply preheat your bed with it and turn it off before sleeping.

Don’t keep electronics in your bedroom if possible. Many of us have televisions, radios, and some even keep their computers there. It’s not the best idea so make your room more minimal to help lessen exposure. Just keep the ones you simply must have, and unplug them before sleep if you can.

Other Helpful Things On How to Block EMF Radiation

You may consider getting Faraday cages, certain gemstones that help block EMF, and houseplants. These are just a few of the items that do help shield harmful EMF radiation.

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