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How To Protect Yourself From Radiation

Radiation Protection

You know how harmful radiation is. It’s the reason for Radiation Protection you wear a vest when getting x-rays. But what about EMF radiation? Here are a few ways to protect yourself from radiation, specifically harmful EMF radiation.

Protecting Yourself

Protecting yourself from radiation is imperative. Even the government has information on ways to do this. And while their advice is geared towards radiation in-general, the advice fits the same for EMF radiation.

For example, they suggest the following three ways to reduce radiation exposure: Use shielding, limit time, and limit exposure.

Use Shielding

There are certain barriers that protect you from radiation better. One the EPA site, these include concrete, lead (like you wear at the dentist), and water.

Limit Distance

If something is harmful, you make sure you keep a safe distance from it, right? The same applies to radiation. Radiation doses decrease the further you are away from it.

Limit Exposure

As they state on their site, For people who are exposed to radiation, in addition to natural background radiation, limiting or minimizing the exposure time reduces the dose from the radiation source.

EMF Radiation Specifically

According to Greenopedia:

When we talk about EMF (electromagnetic fields) in regard to our health, we’re really referring to electromagnetic radiation. There are both natural and man-made sources of EMF, each emitting invisible waves of energy that can interact with our bodies in different ways, depending on the frequency and intensity of the fields.

Protecting yourself from EMF radiation is important, just like protecting yourself from other forms of radiation. You wouldn’t get an x-ray without a lead vest, and you wouldn’t go into an area where radiation is highly present without protective gear.

There are a few key ways to help protect yourself from these harmful rays.

Limit Sources of EMF Radiation

We’re used to having a lot of electronics in our homes. If you cannot do without your electronics, consider a “safe” room where there are none. You can also get equipment that helps limit the harmful effects, like headphones with protective tubing.

Cut Down Your Electronics Time

If you do use electronics, try to limit the time you spend near them. Think about life before tons of electronic devices. It’s possible to eat dinner without a phone nearby. It’s possible to find fun activities that don’t include a television or stereo. If you do these things, do them less.

Keep a Distance

One of the worst things is to have electronics that emit EMF radiation right near your body. If you simply cannot be without your phone, for instance, keep it further away as often as you can. Even if it’s just a couple of feet, the decrease in radiation is multiplied the further you distance.

Use Protection

As mentioned, Radiation Protection using items that help cut down on EMF radiation is a good idea. Invest in a wired keyboard, use a radiation-free headset, and be able to measure EMF radiation with an EMF meter.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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