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Low EMF Cordless Phone

Low EMF Cordless Phone


Having a cordless phone is quite convenient. You still have a landline, but have the ability to take it outside, or move around the house. Yet, if you are worried about EMF radiation, you might want to check out the benefits of a low EMF cordless phone. Here is more about them, and some of the ones you can look at.

What is a Low EMF Cordless Phone?

Also known as eco-mode phones, there’s not a difference when using them. The same amount of EMF radiation is emitted. Yet, these phones have the eco-mode, which means when they’re not in use, they’re not emitting as much RF radiation – by about 80 percent less.

Low EMF Cordless Phones to Choose

One such phone is the Panasonic KX-TGD564M Cordless Phone. This one has all of the regular features such as an answering machine, call blocking, Bluetooth, and more.

Another has the name right in its title – VTech CD6529-4B Low Radiation Cordless Phone.

Keep In Mind

There are a few things to keep in mind with any cordless phone. In most digital cordless phones the base station will transmit. And therefore will emit radiation, all the time, even when not making a call. Sitting next to the phone’s base station will expose you to high to mid-levels of electromagnetic radiation. If the phone’s base station is placed next to a wall, high to mid-levels of electromagnetic radiation will be measured on the other side of that wall.

This means that even if you do have a low EMF cordless phone, it’s a good idea to keep the base station as far away from you as possible. Many people keep theirs in the bedroom next to them and this isn’t the best idea. If possible, what you can do is keep the base station away, have the phone charged, and keep it nearby since the handset only emits radiation during use.

The best case scenario is to get a low EMF cordless phone, keep the base station away, and make sure it’s in the eco-mode, which sometimes has to be set up first. The instructions should tell you what to do to ensure it’s working how you want.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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