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Protecting Yourself from 5G

Protecting Yourself From 5G

It seems that 5G is all around us, and if not now – soon. This is the most recent form of cellular communications, and while it has higher speeds, it comes with a few caveats. Here is more on protecting yourself from 5G.

What Are the Parameters?

According to Safe Living Technologies,

5G Frequency Ranges And Speed

  • Low Band: approx. 600 MHz – 1 GHz (same speed as 4G). A significant portion of the network
  • Mid Band: approx. 1 GHz – 6 GHz (3 X 4G speed). A significant portion of the network
  • High Band: 24 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz and above (15 X 4G speed). A very small fraction of the network
  • Low and Mid bands transmit 24/7; High band transmits on demand
  • 5G uses small cell antennas

It’s Not Perfect

While any cell phone service provider will brag on 5G technology, it’s not perfect. Some of the flaws include

  • It’s not that much faster than the previous 4G technology
  • The transmitters use a lot of power
  • These types of high-band signals don’t penetrate walls as easily
  • The faster speeds are limited to highly populated areas
  • Plans for deployment change often and depend on each carrier
  • It will take around 10 years to fully implement 5G in all areas

Protecting Yourself from 5G

There are a few things you can do in protecting yourself from 5G.

One of the best ways to help minimize 5G damage is by limiting your exposure. If you are in an area where your provider has implemented 5G, you can do things like not using your phone much, forwarding your messages to a landline, and using a hard-wired computer for things like your email, texting, and browsing.

You can also use your speaker phone instead of having your phone right up to your ear. This decreases some of the proximity hazards.

Avoid the types of 5G things you wear, if available. For instance, not wearing a smart watch 24/7.

You may not can avoid 5G and the damage it can cause, but by using some safety measures, you can at least minimize the risks as best you can.

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