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Should You Invest In an Anti-Radiation Phone Case?

Anti-Radiation Phone Case


In today’s world, most of us use cellphones. In fact, according to Leftronic, more than 5 billion people in the world own mobile devices. What you may not know is that smartphones may increase the amount of EMF radiation projected.

EWG is an organization that caters to helping others live a healthier and safer lifestyle. From sunscreen to our topic on smartphone safety, they found interesting information from their research.

A new EWG analysis of data submitted to the Federal Communications Commission by one manufacturer shows that some cases on the market are so poorly engineered that they actually intensify the radiation that strikes a user’s head and body.

Smartphones and EMF Radiation

How mobile devices work is by emitting radio waves in the air. According to the National Cancer Institute, the risk are low. Yet, it is important to note that today’s cellphones emit more radiation that their predecessors. Combine that with the fact that people spend more time on the smartphones than ever before, and you have a higher risk of EMF radiation.

What Can You Do For Protection?

The good news is that you don’t have to give up your smartphone. There are available what is known as anti-radiation phone cases. These help minimize some radiation, and here is what to look for when choosing one.

What To Look For In an Anti-Radiation Phone Case

There are plenty of anti-radiation phone cases out there. But there are things to keep in mind before you choose one.

Verifiable Proof

There are those that offer credible proof from organizations like FCC Accredited Laboratories. By having this accreditation, you can look at more about the case from an unbiased, outside resource. Check out reviews and product claims easier with those that offer verifiable proof of their claims.

Look for Metallic Parts

Since metal is a natural conductor, it increases RF signals. If the cellphone case you are looking at has metallic parts, you may want to choose another brand or style. These metal parts amplify the RF radiation and that’s what you are trying to minimize.

Radiation Blocking Components

One of the essential elements of an anti-radiation phone case is a directional antenna. This works to point the RF radiation away from you while using the phone.

Look at Battery Drain

If you have already tried an anti-radiation phone case and notice a significant battery drain, this is concerning. This can mean that there is a blockage to the antenna. Not only is this an issue in using your phone to its potential, but there is another concern. The phone operates at a lower signal strength when this happens. What else happens? It now projects a higher RF, which is exactly what you are trying to avoid.

Use a Trusted Brand

Using a trusted brand of anti-radiation phone case allows you to get the best product for protection. If you’re looking at one on a particular website, use outside sites to look at reviews and if there are any concerns. For example, if a product is sold at Amazon and other sites, look at the Amazon reviews before you buy.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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