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What You Should Know About Geopathic Stress?

What You Should Know About Geopathic Stress?


In the world of EMF radiation, you may not have heard about geopathic stress. But, not only is it a real thing, you can do things to try to protect yourself better. Here is more on what you should know about geopathic stress.

What is Geopathic Stress?

According to Healthline

Geopathic stress rests on the idea that the Earth gives off a certain energy vibration that’s disrupted by underground features which include:

  • tunnels
  • sewers
  • geological faults
  • pipes
  • mineral deposits
  • utility lines
  • underground water

According to this theory living above one of these areas of energy disturbance can result in the formation of geopathic stress and this stress is said to cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms. 

Our planet gives us the radiation all of us, plants, and animals need to survive. Yet, when this radiation travels through things like river beds and water veins it produces geopathic stress. 

Geopathic Stress Research

This has been studied for years and it’s not a new thing. As far back as the 1900s when a researcher from Germany named Gustav Preihee Von Pohl studied it. There were almost 60 people who died from cancer and all lived over an area ripe with geopathic stress. This term is known as a cancer house which means that generations have died from the same disease over the years. 

Also Learn: Impact of EMF Radiation on Pets

In modern times, it has been found that hospitals built over these geopathic stress areas have a lower rate of recovery than those that aren’t. which is Pretty compelling evidence. 

What Can You Do?

Some people practice the art of Feng Shui. This is even documented by Feng Shui experts. Another way to consider helping if you cannot move to another area is to use EMF radiation shielding in your home and wear personal protection like a shungite necklace or bracelet. You may not minimize all of the geopathic stress in your home, but you can get rid of some of the effects. And when looking for a new home always take into account where it is located and if it is in an area that may be harmful to your health.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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