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WiFi Blocking Paint

WiFi Blocking Paint

Believe it or not, WiFi blocking paint is not a brand-new technology. This paint claims to work as a shield to block frequencies from your home or business. How does it work, and is it something you should invest in?

What is WiFi Blocking Paint?

It works like a shield on the walls that are painted with this technology. It blocks frequencies on that wall – so to make a shielded room, all four walls would need to be painted. It only blocks certain frequencies, but it depends upon the paint manufacturer as to how much.

One thing to keep in mind is that by blocking WiFi, you’ll need a wire connection for that room if you need WiFi.

How Does It Work?

According to ZDNet:

By mixing aluminum-iron oxide particles into paint, the researchers have invented paint that blocks radio frequency in higher spectra where WiFi and other higher-bandwidth communications occur.

The metal particles within the paint resonate at the same frequency as Wi-Fi and other radio waves, so signals can’t pass through the thin layer of pigment.

Your Investment

WiFi blocking paint is a steep investment. It’s up to around $200 for a 5-liter bucket. But there are brands you can check out. For example, the Yshield EMF paint does not use the metal particles that cause oxidation. It claims to be almost 99 percent effective with one coat, and even more so with two applications. There are also natural elements in this one, making it a greener product with no harsh chemicals.

A similar brand is Woremor’s EMF Paint. It too has a similar rating after one application, with two being at 99.995 percent effective. This one may take a lot to use, but it does paint on as a black coating so you can ensure not to miss areas while you’re painting.

Not Just For Home Use

This is technology places like hospitals and movie theaters. According to researcher Shin-ichi Ohkoshi:

In a medical setting, you could transmit large volumes of data from a medical device, such as an endoscope, to a computer. You could block phone signals from outside and stop people’s phones ringing during the movie. By painting a solution containing our magnetic particles on the walls, you would quickly, and effectively, shield the room from stray electromagnetic radiation from outside.

The issue is that this may not be good in cases of an emergency setting when people need to use their phones.

Is It Worth It?

If you’re sensitive to outside frequencies, this may be a good investment that helps deflect some of the problems.

I come from an R&D engineering background. Safely dealing with EMF was part of my work. As technology evolved and EMF moved from my work into the home, it became more important to deal with it in a sensible way. There is lots of controversy on EMF's impact to health. Fortunately, there are some simple principles you can apply to minimize impact and exposure until the science of EMF's impact on humans is resolved.

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