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Electrical Sensitivity
If you ask anyone in the mainstream media, electrical sensitivity is a sham. But those who experience it know it’s a real thing. In fact, The W.H.O. has declared electromagnetic pollution as a Type 2 Carcinogenic. Here is more about electrical sensitivity and what you can do if you experience it.
What Are the Symptoms of Electrical Sensitivity?
Both children and adults can experience electrical sensitivity, and with it comes a host of symptoms. For example,
- Hyperactivity in children
- Eye floaters
- Headaches
- Low-grade chronic infections
- Dizziness
- Spaciness
- Fatigue
- Extremity numbness
- Skin rashes
- Dry eyes
- Dry skin
- Eye strain
- Irritability
- Irregular heartbeat
- Insomnia
- Racing heartbeat
- Nausea
- Other digestive issues
- Skin flushing
- Over-emotions in children
If you ever watched Better Call Saul, you may recall Saul’s brother had the exact same thing, and went overboard trying to stay away from any and all electricity.
Electrical Sensitivity is defined as a “heightened physical reaction to electrical energy”.
What the Experts Say
Here is one expert opinion.
Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ?? The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.
Some even think that electrical sensitivity is related to certain conditions, like cancer, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune illnesses.
What Can You Do?
While you cannot necessarily live like Saul’s brother and avoid all electricity, there are a few ways of minimizing the risk.
One thing is to wear EMF protective clothing. This allows you to be a little safer in your home, at work, or anywhere there are electrical devices.
You can also make sure you have EMF protective devices in your home. Faraday cages, EMF resistant paint, and even using certain rocks and minerals help. For example, shungite stone is ideal to help minimize some of the risks since it is a natural repellent against geopathic stress and electromagnetic fields.
You can’t always get away from electricity, since it’s everywhere pretty much. Unless you live off the grid, it’s around you. But you can take steps to improve the way you live and mitigate some risks from EMFs.